Eugenio is a genious


Eugeni Jofre i Bafalluy , better known as Eugenio, born October 11, 1941 and died on March 11, 2001 in Barcelona, Catalonia, was a Catalan popular comedian.

In the 80s he became famous as a joke's storyteller. His humor was absurd and part of its effectiveness lay in his face permanently serious ( "I only laugh when I receive,he used to say), the changes of rhythm imposed by relying on the breaks for drinking and smoking or lighting cigarettes, and without the need to use any imitation of voices and accents. He used to act always dressed in black, sitting usually on a stool with a drink (orange juice with vodka) and a cigarette.

Jokes were told with a strong Catalan accent, often interspersed with a few words and expressions in Spanish. The phrase with which he began the stories, "El saben aquel que diu...?" is an example of that.

He died of a heart attack on March 11 from 2001.1 to 59 years of age.


iesgorgstecnoind8 said...

Ei this gag is great, Eugeni is a jokes's master.

It's only a week for the end of the classes.

See you at school, bye

Joan C

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