Next year


Hi, I'm Pau.

So the term is finishing and it's time to think about what will I do when I pass the Selectivitat. I want to study a career called “Grau en Informàtica, Serveis i Multimèdia”. It's a new degree and I think it's only taught at three universities in Catalunya. I'll study it at the university Gimbernat i Tomàs Cerdà. It's a private university, so it costs a lot of money that my parents will pay. The good thing is that you only need having passed Selectivitat. But the classes are during the evening, so I'll try to get some job to work in the mornings, for earning some money.

The degree lasts three courses. During the last course you can do some practices in some companys, so i hope i'll like the career and find a job that i like and where i earn some good money. I like computers and that things, that's why i've chosen this degree, and because i think you can work at many different places. Here you can view the Gimbernat university in Sant Cugat:


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